How To Feel Affluent When You're Flat Broke

Feeling affluent AND broke in the same sentence? Sounds like an oxymoron, right? Trust me, it’s not.

Listen up. If money is an issue for you and you need to clear your money karma, feeling affluent when you’re flat broke is super important in your ability to make more money. You see the thing is this. Manifestation is all about feelings and not at a mental level.

In order to manifest more money in the future, you must first feel wealthy now and that you already have the money you seek. You can’t become wealthy if you’re thinking and being poor, or if you are being cheap with yourself.  It’s all about your frequency and vibration, and in order to manifest more money, you must be tuned into the vibration of being wealthy or the having of money now — before it arrives. 

As Nikola Tesla astutely made us aware,  “If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” In other words, you can’t attract or become what you are not already thinking, feeling and being now. You can’t attract wealth if you’re operating from a poverty mindset while thinking and acting poor.  For most of us this is where our vibration is. We’re living, breathing, and thinking all the time in the energy of “I don’t have, “It’s not enough,” and so we’re constantly getting more of that — “I don't’ have,” and “It’s not enough.” Understand that as beautiful as you are, all you are is one giant walking, talking, and breathing magnet.


When you become a magnet of wealth, you attract wealthy.

When you become a magnet of health, you attract healthy.

When you become a magnet of love, you attract love.

When you become a magnet of joy, you attract joy.

When you become a magnet of [FILL-IN-THE-BLANK] of what you want, you attract  [FILL-IN-THE-BLANK] of whatever you want.

You must first become the magnet of whatever it is you want vibrationally in order to draw it unto you.  The physical manifestation of what you want is the effect of the magnet of you. So in the case of making more money, you need to start feeling affluent now no matter what your financial circumstances are at this moment, and to do so, you must start spending money on things that make you feel affluent now without draining your bank account.  

Understand that based on your current beliefs about money, you have a certain set point of how much money you are able to receive. How do you know what this set point is? It is whatever money you’re making right now, and if you want to raise this set point (i.e., make more money) you’re going to have to recalibrate your brain/nervous system to make more money.

Right now, you’re probably in a state of thinking and projecting “I don’t have the money to do this or that,” or “I can’t afford it,” and life is affirming to you, “Yes dear, you’re right.” and is playing back to you countless evidence of why. In order to shift, you must rewire your mind and your energetic system to think and feel wealthy now so that you start making more money.

How to do this?

By spending money on things that make you feel affluent and wealthy.

For example:

1.    Start buying organic foods when normally you don't.

2.    Buy premium brand of items in the supermarket when you would normally buy cheap store  brands.

3.    Treat yourself to a nice massage once a month.

4.    Spend money on self-care items such as going to a spa, getting acupuncture, having a Mani- Pedi, and so forth.

5.    Go shopping and instead of going straight for the sale rack, go and pay full price for something that you really love. As you make the purchase, tell yourself you can afford it and you are so worth it.

6.    Go to the bar of your favorite luxury hotel and sit and have coffee or tea there while taking in the ambiance.

7.    If you take Uber, order an Uber X instead of Uber Pool every once in awhile, and if you don’t use Uber and opt for public transportation, start taking Uber.

8.    When traveling by bus or train, but yourself a 1st class ticket instead of a 2nd class ticket.

9.    When you get paid, pay yourself first and buy yourself something nice.

10. Buy yourself a bottle of champagne and don't wait for a special occasion to open it.

11. Use the good china today and not only when company comes over.

12. Wear the sexy lingerie everyday not only when you go out on a date and think you might get some.

13. Hire a housekeeper to come clean your house once month.

14. Hire a dog walker to come walk your dog once a week.

15. Do go window-shopping and everything you see in the store tell yourself you CAN afford it and repeat this often. Then, keep asking yourself how can I afford this? In general, every time you walk by a storefront and see something you like, say to yourself, “I can afford that,” “I can buy that.”

16. When ordering wine from a menu, order the last (usually most expensive) glass instead of the first and cheapest option.

17. Over tip for good service, and in countries where tip is inclusive, tip anyway. Not only will you feel affluent in doing so, you’ll also rack up some serious good karma points, and who couldn’t use more of those.

18. If a beggar comes to you asking for money, instead of dishing out the coins in your pocket or at the bottom of your purse, give them a bill —preferably a $5 bill and not a $1 dollar bill. Trust, there is a difference and you’ll feel it.

19. Go and shop at Whole Foods (a/k/a Whole Paycheck), Fresh Market, (a/k/a Whole Salary), or if you’re in the Paris area like me, Le Bon Marche.

20. Everyday, and multiple times throughout the day, visualize yourself already having the money you want, and be in that feeing all day. In your mind, feel yourself living in that new house now. Be on that beach in Thailand with a cocktail already. Be in that new convertible with the top down and feeling the cool breeze in your hair, saying, “This is the life.”

These are just a few ways in which you can begin to feel affluent now to start attracting more money to clear your money karma and start making more money. If nothing on this list resonates with you, then make your own list of 25-50 things that make you feel wealthy now, and begin spending money on those things now without breaking the bank. From wherever you are, start to look for ways in which you can start to upgrade your life to make yourself feel affluent as you work your way on making more money and becoming the richer version of you.

The more you start to do this, the more you will notice the difference and you will start to re-wire your brain and nervous system from the broke, “I can’t afford it,” and “I don't have the money vibe,” to “Yes, I’ll take this and this please,” making this your #newnormal. For a deeper dive on how fixing your money issues, visit, and sign up for my ecourse “Clear Your Money Karma and Live The Life You Really Want.”


Happy New Year, For Real This Time

Two Thousand Seventeen.

Here we are. It is the third week of the New Year and like clockwork; we have arrived at the quintessential point where most have failed at their New Year’s resolutions. The same holds true for those who play the semantics card and won’t use the “R” word, and instead choose to call it a goal, or intention. Word games aside, everybody is in the same boat. 

Le sigh.  

But this is nothing new. 

We go through this same song and dance every single year.  But in this Numerology Universal Year of 1 (2+0+1+7 = 10 and 1+0 = 1), which means new beginnings, what can we be done differently this time.  How can you truly have a Happy New Year, but for real this time?  

By shaking things up. Not a bit, but by a lot.

This year, don’t set resolutions or intentions in the same manner as you’ve done in the past year after year that you haven’t achieved. If the way you’ve been setting intentions didn’t work out in 2016, or the year before that, then you know that you won’t achieve it in 2017.  Let’s be real. I may have stepped on some toes but stay with me.  

I’m not the least bit pessimistic. I promise. 

A good reminder of perhaps the most famous definition widely known to man rightfully is needed here.  It is none other than Einstein’s definition of Insanity —Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Not only is it insanity but also bat shit insanity.  


The thing is this. No matter what you are looking to achieve in 2017, it won’t manifest unless you become a different person and get into alignment with what you want. This is not airy-fairy woowoo talk but Universal Law —namely, the Law of Vibration, and plain physics. And in order for you to be in alignment with what you want and be, do, act, or think differently, you must have a change or a shift in your consciousness. 

In order words, you need to look at your beliefs as your beliefs create your reality. Therefore, you must check your beliefs around what you want to manifest and in many cases, your beliefs are in alignment with what you say you want and you must change. For example, you can’t manifest rich if you are thinking and believing in poor.

To change your beliefs around achieving a certain goal, first things first, you need to have awareness into the goal. That is, you need to know what may be standing in the way of you achieving the goals in the first place. What you’ll find is that 9 times out of 10, you have some belief that is not in alignment with your goal. Once you’ve had the awareness, you also need to have a breakthrough. Why a breakthrough? Just because you have awareness about something doesn’t mean you necessarily will act from this enlightened perspective. What’s more, you have habits in place, which enforces the beliefs, and that takes time and effort to break.  A breakthrough often comes in the form of why you have a belief or certain perspective.  

After having a breakthrough, you also need to have a complete paradigm shift, which is what breaks up a particular belief you may be holding onto or causing a repeated pattern you may find yourself caught in.  A paradigm shift causes a disruption of the repeated pattern, making the shift long lasting and not fleeting, setting you up for success.  So the formula is this:

Awareness. Breakthrough. Paradigm Shift.

So this New Year that is just underway and for the sake of it really being new, you need to be incorporate into your goals and intentions certain questions that will elicit this formula and ensure manifestation of your goals and desires. Remember, it is only when you are in alignment with what you want, is when it truly manifest and this alignment first takes place in your consciousness or mindset.  To let this year truly be your year, here’s a list of questions to incorporate into your New Year’s goals to make 2017 truly be a New Year — for real this time:

1.    What awareness, breakthrough and paradigm shift do I need to have in X area of my life to achieve my goal of_______?

2.    Who do I need to become in order for me to achieve my goals and desires this year?

3.    What do I need to let go of this year that is not serving me?

4.    What daily habits do I need to implement in order for me to reach my goals this year?

5.    What changes need to occur in my life in order for me to achieve my goals this year? 

6.    What inner qualities do I need to embody to become my best and highest self?

7.    What decisions do I need to make now and everyday in order for me to manifest my goals and desires this year?

8. What do I REALLY want?

9.    What are the gifts from 2016 that I need to carry forward with me in 2017? 

10. What do I need to know with certainty going forward into 2017?

11. How do I choose to feel this year?

12. What simple pleasures do I choose to experience everyday this year?

13. How can I choose differently to give me different results this year?

Keep in mind that that no matter what you want to achieve this year, you must shift. You must become the “New” in the sentiment “Happy New Year.” Otherwise, you’ll be setting yourself up for another disappointing year of failing at your goals and desires.  So right now, make the decision this year to truly be invested in having a Happy New Year (for real this time) by becoming a new you.

Happy New Year!!!


Wani Iris Manly, Esq.